What inspired you write
'The Rainbow Warrior?'
I am originally from a small village called Rathnure nestled under The Blackstairs Mountain in Co. Wexford, Ireland. I completed my studies in Visual Communications at WIT, in 1993. Since then I have dedicated 23 years of my life to creating problem-solving design solutions across a broad spectrum of industries, both in Scotland and Ireland. A Partner at Bennis Design since 2002.
I have worked with many Irish Government Agencies helping to create physical and mental health, environmental and innovation-based initiatives. In 2013 I was invited to write 'Design Thinking Modules' for a new Design Communication Course at Griffith College, Dublin. Between 2015-2016 I studied a Postgraduate Certificate in Training & Education while lecturing ‘Design Principles’ to Fashion and Interior Architectural Design students.
In 2015 as an antidote to this busy life in Dublin and for the positive development of my two children, we started to renovate an old cottage on the Loop Head Peninsula, County Clare in the West of Ireland. During this time, I became extremely drawn into simplicity enjoying silent time sitting in the wilderness of the beautiful Irish landscape. Surprisingly, my awareness began to expand. I started realising the underlying ‘Universal Principles’ that are present in our reality. These new insights acted as a catalyst along with a natural contemplative disposition, I turned my curiosity inward. I began to deeply reflect on my inner consciousness and collective consciousness.
My problem-solving methodology began to look at the larger challenges we face as humanity. In the following years, I researched and mapped the movement of human thought from Ancient times to the present day. Looking at areas such as Ancient Civilizations, Greek Philosophy, World Wisdom Traditions, Quantum Science, Neuroscience, and Psychology to help qualify and quantify my new inner knowledge and understanding. On completion of this phase, the 'The Rainbow Warrior' came as a flow of inspiration to express the characteristics of who we truly are behind our conditioned mind. The book aims to promote a more conscious based society by deepening our self-knowledge. The five main themes presented in the book are; Unity, Empowerment, Creativity, Mindfulness, and Interdependence. By focusing on these pillars, we can build a strong foundation for the 'New World Citizenship' we must grow into.