In 2015, as an antidote to her busy life in Dublin Caroline Murphy-Bennis started to renovate an old cottage on the Loop Head Peninsula, County Clare, in the West of Ireland. During this time, Caroline enjoyed time sitting in the wilderness of the beautiful Irish landscape. Surprisingly, her awareness began to expand, to see the underlying universal principles present in our reality. These new insights acted as a catalyst by turning her curiosity inward. Caroline began to reflect on her inner consciousness and the collective consciousness of humanity. Declare a Republic, A Free State of Mind is a collection of poems that came from this inner journey back to the rich simplicity of nature and ultimately to the discovery of our True Nature.
I am sending a huge thank you to all the contributors of this new poetry collection.
Declare a Republic, A Free State of Mind is now available internationally, including Ireland from in eBook and Paperback.
Warm Regards